Patty: You're pregnant? I am. It happens.
Will: Are you thinking of populating a small island?

Jackie: She won't swallow her pride. She won't forgive him, it's easier to leave him.
Eli: Jackie, it's not the 50's. What did she say?

Your honor. Ms. Nyholme just winked and grinned at us when you said that.

Counselor Rodah

Be cordial here Jackie or I will ask you to leave.


Patient: Thank you.
Alicia: It's my job.
Patient: No, not like before. You're fighting for me.

Patty: I wish Ms. Florrick didn't think she was arguing before the Supreme Court.
Alicia: And I wish Ms. Nyholm did.

Eli: Do you know that Peter slept with Amber Madison on 18 separate occasions? She's gunning for you in there
Alicia: I do no that
Eli: Does it bother you?
Alicia: Does it bother me, it horrifies me!

Zach: Grandma's drunk.
Alicia: I think that's just her.

Don't tell her you slept with Peter before you put in a good word for me. OK?


Great. We have a dictator for a client.


Yeah, that's a hard one. By the way I slept with your husband. Sorry is that too blunt?


Oh my God. It's like being in a Woody Allen movie.


Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
