If I hadn't seen Jurassic Park, I wouldn't be nearly as frightened right now.


Cisco: Huh. Wading through miles of rats, roaches and human excrement? Count me out. [Joe glares at him] Count me in.
Joe: It's your monkey.

What is a grodd?


Did you ever stop to think that looping me in would keep me safe? That if I knew what was out there that I could prepare for it? Maybe I could have helped you and Barry put the bad guys away instead of being in the way!


Eddie: I don't suppose you brought lunch.
Harrison: Do you know human beings can survive up to two months without food?
Eddie: Is that how long you plan on keeping me here?

Barry: I can only imagine how angry you are.
Iris: I'm not angry, Barry. I'm just disappointed.

Harrison: My name is Eobard. Eobard Thawne.
Eddie: I don't understand. Why do you have my name.
Harrison: Because we're family, Eddie.
Eddie: Funny. I haven't seen you at any weddings or reunions.

It was all a set up. We thought we set a trap for him, but he set a trap for us.


Barry: You know, I couldn't have done any of this without you.
Harrison: I feel the same way about you.

Barry, listen to me. You need to move your arms faster! I believe in you, Barry.


Eddie: I know the timing might seem off with everything that has gone on, but I want to propose to Iris and I want your blessing.
Joe: No.
Eddie: [chuckles] Come again?
Joe: No. You do not have my blessing.

Barry: Aaagh! For real? Why did you slap me?
Caitlin: Because you were unconscious!
Barry: Smelling salts work just as well.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
