We should have talked about this before I left, but how do I stop her?


Cisco, I don't think any of us would suddenly become evil if we got powers, even if they were from Dr. Wells.


Jay: Zoom could have killed me, just like he will kill Barry if you lead him down this path!
Harry: No, because he is not like you. Barry runs towards danger, not from it, because Barry is not a coward!

Linda: I saw myself. How is that even possible?
Patty: It sounds like you have an evil meta twin.

You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick.


I was gonna ask her out but then a land shark tried to eat me and then Dr. Wells the sequel showed up!


Cisco: Yeah, well, we're batting a thousand against these breechers.
Wells (E2): You're batting a thousand, Crisco? What's your sample size? Ten?

It's very strange to be holding your autobiography, epecially when you didn't write it, and it's not about you.

Harrison Wells (E2)

The Flash Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Cisco: Yeah, well, we're batting a thousand against these breechers.
Wells (E2): You're batting a thousand, Crisco? What's your sample size? Ten?

It's very strange to be holding your autobiography, epecially when you didn't write it, and it's not about you.

Harrison Wells (E2)