Vic: What is this? Is this a breakup?
Theo: Do you want it to be a breakup?
Vic: I don't know, but what I do know is that I am so over this.
Theo: Fine.

I am standing here telling you that I love you, and I am asking you to love me back.


It was never going to be me. You and her have a thing.


Andy: You owe me. You seduced me, and then you lead me on.
Eli: No, I believe it was you who led me on, and your friend seduced me.

Carina: You turned down your opportunity to become captain.
Maya: Yeah.
Carina: And I'm coming home, bambina.
Maya: For good?
Carina: For better or worse. For richer for poorer.

Beckett: I said I didn't want to talk, didn't I? I mean, if I wanted to feel pain, I could just go back to rehab. I had a plan. I felt better, I felt relief. Why are you still here?!
Vic: I'm not leaving, Sean.

Beckett: This is the part where I'm supposed to feel better?
Vic: Eventually, I mean, you just gotta sit in that pain you buried.
Beckett: No, I don't want to, I don't want sit in this pain, I don't want to feel this, Hughes.

Carina: There's nothing she wants more than her captaincy back.
Warren: You're wrong. There's something she wants more.

You can keep smiling if you want to, but you don't have a chance in hell of becoming mayor of this city.


Beckett: Ask what you need to ask, Hughes! Just ask it!
Vic: Did you skip shift... did you skip shift today because you were thinking about killing yourself?

Sullivan: Power's going to his head already.
Andy: Copy, Captain.

You gotta dress for the job you want. So be the wolf, or you’ll be the one that gets eaten.


Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.