Narek: I want to know every little thing about you.
Soji: Even though you think I'm an imposter.
Narek: I never said that. I do think you're full of secrets.

Soji: Romulans love secrets. You think everyone is hiding something.
Narek: Everyone IS hiding something. Whether they know it or not.

Dr. Jurati: Maybe they've changed.
Picard: Changed? The Borg? They coolly assimilate entire civilizations, entire systems, in a matter of hours. They don't change! They metastasize.

Dr. Jurati: Why do you like it out here?
Rios: In space?
Dr. Jurati: It's cold and empty and it wants to kill you.

Dr. Jurati: I've never slept with the captain of anything before.
Rios: Well, I recommend it.

Dr. Jurati: I have a superpower. I can sense mistakes while I'm making them.
Rios: That is not much of a superpower.
Dr. Jurati: It's useless.

Narissa: You're saying the robot girl has an unconscious?
Narek: Yes. And when she dreams, she's reconciling the two views of herself -- human and synthetic. Bits of truth are trying to find their way to the surface. It's not a malfunction. It's a vulnerability.

In a few hours, we'll be crossing out of the old Neutral Zone and into Romulan space which puts us in breach of galactic treaty. But I'm fine with that because I know that you have a plan for how to access a restricted Romulan research facility on a Borg cube crawling with Tal Shiar without authorization. Also, without dying.


The Romulans are in a two-hundred-and-fifty-year bad mood.


You know Picard. Any part of that guy that's not ego is rampaging id.


Picard is so Federation, his face is still probably on the damned brochures.


I don't want to end up on the wrong side of a disruptor cannon, Emmy... I'm still planning on drinking myself to death


Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Soji: Romulans love secrets. You think everyone is hiding something.
Narek: Everyone IS hiding something. Whether they know it or not.

Narek: I want to know every little thing about you.
Soji: Even though you think I'm an imposter.
Narek: I never said that. I do think you're full of secrets.