And it will be like a taco inside taco within a Taco Bell that's inside a KFC that's within a mall that's inside your dream!


Dr. Chinstrap: If they don't, it'll be the end of Europe as we know it.
Sharon: Why?
Dr. Chinstrap: Because.

Inception Guy #1: Is this the dream, or the dream within the dream?
Inception Guy #2: It doesn't matter! Just keep shooting!

Dr. Chinstrap: We need you, Freddy.
Freddy Kruger: Yeah, like you needed me to kill those teenagers to stop the Russians?

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.


Sharon: Just because an idea is over convoluted and complex doesn't make it cool. Going into multiple dream levels sounds like a really stupid idea.
Cobb: You don't get it because you're not smart enough.

If you throw that away, I will rape you in the mouth.

Mr. Mackey

I'm like the mailman!


Butterflies have no concern for such things. Now I'm gonna go find myself some butterfly poon.


Herder: I'm a sheep herder.
Dr. Chinstrap: It's pronounced hoarder and yes you are.
Herder: I'm actually herding sheep.
Dr. Chinstrap: Yes, you are hurting sheep by hoarding them. It's good you realize that.

South Park Season 14 Episode 10 Quotes

Butterflies have no concern for such things. Now I'm gonna go find myself some butterfly poon.


Herder: I'm a sheep herder.
Dr. Chinstrap: It's pronounced hoarder and yes you are.
Herder: I'm actually herding sheep.
Dr. Chinstrap: Yes, you are hurting sheep by hoarding them. It's good you realize that.