With every breath we take, we betray somebodies trust.

Countess Marburg

John: Anne Hale is a witch!
Cotton: [laughing] That the most preposterous thing I've heard.

You would have me speak words of love while you destroy him.


I never longed for power, I longed for love.


Sebastian: How about you leave me well enough and far alone, you're no use to us anymore.
Mercy: That isn't true.
Sebastian: No, it isn't true. You were never any use to us.
Mercy: You're being cruel. I thought you wanted me?
Sebastian: Wanted you? No one has ever wanted you. Not your own father, not the Essex hive and certainly, not I. Mary Sibley is the one I desire and I shall have no other.

Mercy: They say crocodiles weep when they devour their prey, but not even crocodiles eat their own young.
Mary: Mercy, I wonder when you'd come. Believe it or not, I am glad you survived.
Mercy: Don't play the good mother with me. Good mother's don't burn their children. I finally met a true mother, she healed the wounds you and so many others dealt me.

John: Did you have any friends?
John Alden: Well let's see. There was a boy, Isaac, he was a kind and simple soul -- still is, but do you know who my dearest friend, the one I loved most already, even when I was your age?
John: Who?
John Alden: Why, the girl who turned out to be your mother.
John: I miss her.
John Alden: Me too.

What kind of a world would have demons, but no angels?


Isaac: You're all fornicators; screwing each other every day of the week, including Sabbath. I swear, if Jesus Christ walked the streets of Salem, he wouldn't find a man worth saving.
Magistrate Hawthorne: This is vile blasphemy and you will hang for it.
Isaac: Go on then, hang me! Hang me! Done died on those stocks years ago. You all so busy looking for where the evil came from, you brought it with you.

Soon child, all the world will be your home.

Countess Marburg

John: If we get the devil out of him, we're done, all of us.
Cotton: And do you have this boy?
John: No, but I'm working on it.

Countess Marburg: Their Lord may forgive, but I don't. Be on the road with us tonight or I will delight in destroying what you hold most dear. And then I will find you and keep you alive long enough for you to see me take my first bite out of your heart.
Mary: My heart? You're welcome to it, but it might be a little bitter for your taste.

Salem Quotes

All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.


John: Judge not, lets ye be judged.
Sibley: Who said that?
Jesus. You might have heard of him.