Black folks ain't got the time for writer's block. Too much to say and not enough time to say it. Here's what I know. You're the only writer I know from St. Jo, that means something. You've got stories up and down this land.


Colton Landry, Sam's only son, with ten percent. He's this hotshot patent lawyer in Houston, Ivy League, wife and kids, goes to church every Sunday. Oh, and he also has a really nice lady on the side for the last five years.


Violet: I started this business myself and that's the way I want to keep it.
Hollywood: There ain't no shame in letting loved ones pitch in.
Violet: It's all beautiful, baby, it really is, but at this point in my life I don't want to owe nobody nothing.
Hollywood: Owe?
Violet: You know Jimmy Dale bought this house and he let me know it every time I set foot through that door. Held money over my head like he owned me.
Hollywood: Yeah, but me and Jimmy Dale are like night and day so don't go there.

I saw Ernest work himself into the ground, I just can't have you do the same thing.


You know, Ernest meant more to me than most anybody realizes. He came to all my big games. He would just call just to shoot the breeze sometimes, or offer advice. You know, just about life, love, everything. I'd never experienced that. He treated me more like a son than my own father.


We'd always spend Christmas Eve at the bonfire at the levy. The whole town would come out to celebrate. They told us kids that the fire would light the way for Santa Claus to come find us to bring us presents, but Mama said that fire was how we talked to our ancestors. It created a pathway to send them messages in the flames. When our own granddaddy died, Ernest hugged me and said that a bonfire would light his way to heaven. He always knew how to make you feel better.


Queen Sugar Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Colton Landry, Sam's only son, with ten percent. He's this hotshot patent lawyer in Houston, Ivy League, wife and kids, goes to church every Sunday. Oh, and he also has a really nice lady on the side for the last five years.


Black folks ain't got the time for writer's block. Too much to say and not enough time to say it. Here's what I know. You're the only writer I know from St. Jo, that means something. You've got stories up and down this land.
