(voice-over) Look at that. It's supposed to be Florida. Who draws Florida with no sun? It's the goddamn Sunshine State!


Okay, it's very simple. Everything they tell you, you type in their file, whatever they don't tell you, but you know to be true, type in their file.


Zoey: Nights are different.
Jackie: Yes. More stab wounds, more drunks, less nutjobs, less children. Okay, you prioritize by condition. Gunshots, stabbings, cardiac arrest followed by bleeders and shallow breathers.
Zoey: Shallow breathers. Got it. What about someone who can't breath at all.
Jackie: They are already dead. They go to the waiting room.

Jackie: You don't usually work nights. What's up?
Mrs. Akalitus: You tell me. You make the nurses' schedule, always working with your favorite people. I'm concerned about the level of socializing.

Zoey: I can't believe she took the money!
Jackie: Yeah, but bullshit like that comes in all the time, clogs up the waiting room, slows everybody down. Wasn't even my 20, I got it off a dead guy in the morgue. (Zoey looks at her) Just kidding, Zoey, just kidding.

Taser? Been there, sister. 15 minutes and you're good as new.


Nurse Jackie Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Zoey: I can't believe she took the money!
Jackie: Yeah, but bullshit like that comes in all the time, clogs up the waiting room, slows everybody down. Wasn't even my 20, I got it off a dead guy in the morgue. (Zoey looks at her) Just kidding, Zoey, just kidding.

Taser? Been there, sister. 15 minutes and you're good as new.
