I'm done you're done we're done I'm done you're done, done done done. Like, I don't even know at this point!


Dominican girls are hot 'cause they can dance, they can move, they got tans, they got big butts, nice full lips, they got that flavor an Italian guy needs.


Nicole and Vinny have some sexual tension they need to talk about, 'cause it could be dangerous to the house.


I definitely want to try again with Vinny, I actually named his penis Moby Dick.


Hestatic is when you're super happy and like really happy.


I was just starting to find myself and then [Sammi] walked through the door and I was like FML.


Thank you, Mike, because you're an a—hole and we hate you and you're a bad person and you were born in 1965.


I just heard that you guys were mad at me, but I didn't do anything. So I'm mad at you for being mad at me for no reason.

Pauly D

People think I'm dumb, but I'm really not that dumb.


Sammi: Don't ruin your life over me.
Ronnie: You are my life now.

I never thought you would ever, like, do that to me, and you did ... I always knew what I had, and, like, you didn't.


I need someone who understands what I'm going through.


Jersey Shore Season 3 Quotes

Like a monkey has to go to the f*%kin' jungle, I belong at the Jersey Shore.


I'm so excited to get back into my house, pop some bottles and hook up with my roommates.
