This takes a facelift to a whole other place.

Hank [regarding a victim who had his face removed]

So, we're thinking it's some kind of healing-stick-magic-wand thing?


Maybe that's why they buried it in the first place, because the Gates of Hell are gonna open and the world as we know it is gonna end.

Wu [on the mysterious hidden treasure]

Monroe: It's a stick?!
Hank: It looks like a stick.
Wu: A really old stick.
Rosalee: It can't be just a stick.

If they're looking for a Grimm, the last place they'll expect to find him is next to a Blutbaden in the middle of the Black Forest.


Nothing personal, guys... or gals.

Monroe [searching through skeletons]

Nick: I don't think we're looking for eyeglasses.
Monroe: That's good, because I can never find mine.

Renard: He dug his own grave. I just provided the shovel.
Rachel Wood: And the dirt.
Renard: A little of that, too.

Monroe: My family hunted here for like hundreds of years!
Nick: And when you say 'hunted,' you mean...?
Monroe: Oh! Lots of stuff...

This is really good! For something completely illegal.

Nick [on Rosalee's forged passports]

Adalind: What if what they buried is something evil, something they never wanted found, and it was buried for good reason?
Nick: Well, then they wouldn't have made a map, they would have just destroyed it.
Adalind: What if it couldn't be destroyed?

Maybe X does mark the spot!


Grimm Season 5 Quotes

Wu: This has *got* to be Wesen!
Hank: Can't wait to explain *that* to Pogue.
Wu: I'll visit you in the psych ward every Tuesday.

I think we should get out of here before someone tries to paint over *us*.
