I don't need a guy to make me feel fulfilled, especially when he's unavailable.


You could fix this. Chuck would never have to know.


Chuck: I've come this far without my mother, I'm not gonna back down now.
Blair: Well if it's a war Chuck wants, it's a war he'll get.

Stay. Not for Jack, or the hotel... Stay for me. I already lost my mother once.


Chuck: What's going on here?
Jack: Isn't it obvious? You've been played, Chuckie!

There's something about waking up on the morning of a fashion show, the smell of fresh pleats wafting through the city.


Feed the masses, eat with the classes!


What is this leech doing stuck to my hotel?


Miss Blair, you have no friends. Even NYU minions very second-rate!


High-end has fallen on hard times. Mr. Conwell can put my line in over 5,000 retail locations.


Brandeis: Can I help you?
Dorota: I am Dorota.

Baby beat Dorota's stomach like Lars from Metallica.


Gossip Girl Season 3 Quotes

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Chuck Bass, up to his old tricks.

Welcome back Upper East Siders. After a long hot summer away, I see it didn't take you long to dirty up the clean slates I gave you. My inbox is overflowing, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we?

Gossip Girl