Tate: Maybe what I wanted was a father who was there -- who wasn't working all the time.
Wilson: I worked to provide for my family.
Tate: No, no, you worked for this. For a lifetime appointment to play God. It wasn't enough you judged every little thing I ever said or did. You needed a stage to impose your intellectual and moral authority on the world.

Mariana: It's great if you can ignore the racism, sexism, and general oppression.
Jesus: Just tell me whose ass I'm kicking first.
Marina: You're not kicking anyone's ass, although, I would love to watch.

My first year at Speckulate, they called me double A. For affirmative action.


Davia: So Callie, what happened with you and Gael?
Callie: Why are you asking?
Davia: Well according to Bryan, they're exclusive now.
Callie: Oh, like married exclusive? Like your boyfriend? I gotta work.
Mariana: You had that coming.
Davia: I didn't think she had it in her.

Rebecca: How about we drink every time Ben says Supreme Court?
Callie: No thanks. I like my liver.

Jesus: Excuse me, my buddy wants your phone number because he wants to know the best way to get ahold of me in the morning.
Rebecca: You said you had no game.

I've actually been meaning to reach out to you. I ran into Jennifer a couple of months back and I probably should have asked first but we've been seeing each other.


Callie: Becca, did Handleman sexually harass you?
Rebecca: It wasn't as bad as you.
Callie: All abuse is bad.

Alex: Seriously, Mary Anna? You bitched to Angela?
Jesus: Hey!
Mariana. I didn't say a word.
Alex: Then how did she find out?
Raj: I told her. Mariana has great ideas, and she codes faster than all of us, even you, Alex. We need help on this project.
Alex: OK Raj, she can work with you, but maybe that was your plan all along, huh?

Jesus: That was a savage move, dude.
Raj: I should have done it sooner, and send me that spreadsheet.

Wilson: Can I ask you a personal question?
Callie: Sure.
Wilson: You had a tough childhood. Foster care. Juvie. How did you end up going to law school without screwing your life up?
Callie: Well, I was adopted by my moms, and they made me feel wanted and like I can do something with my life.
Wilson: Yeah, but it's not just about good parenting. It's what's inside you that drives you to want to succeed.
Callie: I don't know.
Wilson: My son has no respect for me, or his mother, or himself. He had too much privilege. No one really appreciated that which is not earned. In many ways, I blame myself, but sometimes I think character is just something you're born with or not. You have character, Callie. Try not to compromise that as you go forward in your career. Situations can get complicated. Gray areas are not as easy to navigate. I'll be expecting your memo on the defense motion for the Thompson case on my desk on Monday

Your honor. Can I ask you a favor? It's about Judge Handleman.


Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Mariana: It's great if you can ignore the racism, sexism, and general oppression.
Jesus: Just tell me whose ass I'm kicking first.
Marina: You're not kicking anyone's ass, although, I would love to watch.

Tate: Maybe what I wanted was a father who was there -- who wasn't working all the time.
Wilson: I worked to provide for my family.
Tate: No, no, you worked for this. For a lifetime appointment to play God. It wasn't enough you judged every little thing I ever said or did. You needed a stage to impose your intellectual and moral authority on the world.