Margaret: Who doesn't want to be on camera?
Jason: Me. I don't want to be.

Margaret's a bully. It's about time someone slapped her back.


Eugene: Margaret has put Eric in charge of the charity missions. How can she be so naive?
Woman: More like how can you keep her that way? It's not charitable to lie to people.

Margaret: Give it up for my boy Antonio. 
Yopi: Her boy? He's a star. He's my star.

Rose: I'm so sorry she played us both.
Ginger: You know the stupid thing is I always dreamed of being on this show, out there with you and Eric, and with my kinder, cleaner mom. Now I finally got my chance, and everyone hates me, except you.
Rose: They don't hate you. They hate the character mom and the reverend created. Just go out there and speak your truth. Be braver than the rest of us.

I know you fellas are worried, but as long as the ladies are fighting, the right hand won't know what the left hand is doing.


Luke: Look, here's what I know. Eric is married to the sister of Paul Thomas, who seems to know a lot about Eugene's secret love children than he's ready to say. Oh, and when you pulled me away, Eric and your reverend were whispering to some of the most powerful people in Louisiana. What am I missing?
Franklin: Where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20.
Luke: Scripture? I asked you a question.
Franklin: And I just threw you the bone I promised.

Filthy Rich Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Margaret's a bully. It's about time someone slapped her back.


Margaret: Who doesn't want to be on camera?
Jason: Me. I don't want to be.