What if Broussard had followed Quayle's orders? My kids need a mother. I want out.


Well I don't think order comes from fear. It comes from providing people with a decent quality of life.

Proxy Snyder

Proxy Snyder: So we have military trained, ex-mercenary sociopath leading the Resistance.
Will: Something like that.
Proxy Snyder: That's lovely.

Everything I have is on the line right now because of you. I came to this cause because of you, because I believed that you were the one person that I knew that might be able to make a difference. And then you bring me up here, and you question my loyalty.


Broussard: What else would you do if someone put a gun to Will's head?
Katie: I've been clear from the beginning that my family comes first.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of unpleasant truths, Katie, but I'm the best there is, and I really am trying to help you.


Snyder: I know you don't like me, but this isn't my fault.
Katie: We're all misunderstood.

Snyder: You think the Resistance got inside Homeland Security?
Will: I think that food truck raid was practice for this.

Snyder: We shouldn't have ditched the car. We shouldn't be on foot!
Will: Are you in the military? Law enforcement?
Snyder: No.
Will: Right.

Will: Not a whiskey girl?
Jennifer: No, whiskey makes me drunk, and two actual drinks, and I'm...
Will: Fun?
Jennifer [chuckles]: That why you don't trust me? Because I'm not fun?
Will: No, I didn't trust you because the list of people I trust fits on one hand.

Prepare yourself. The war's about to begin.


What if you were passing information to the Resistance without even knowing it, being the trusting husband that you are?


Colony Season 1 Quotes

Will: Why am I here?
Proxy Snyder: To turn crisis into opportunity.

Katie: He's a good kid.
Will: They're all good kids.