Mouch: Fifty bucks a head for a good cause.
Cruz: Oh, what's the cause?
Mouch: It's to be determined at this time.

Casey: You think Antonio would be willing to-
Dawson: Investigate a city alderman?
Casey: Who is skimming money off a charity.

All do respect Chief, I don't really care to hear how we're all a family. Brett is not my family, she's a subordinate. I would really appreciate your support.


Herrmann: Hey Cruz, you know where we could get a live chicken this time of night?
Cruz: Why would you think I would know that?

I don't expect for you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you that you were right. Do you know what it's like to be doing insane things and not really know where it's coming from?


See that? There's always hope. As long as there are good people in this world willing to step up and lend a hand. Here's to the victims. Here's to hope.


Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Casey: You think Antonio would be willing to-
Dawson: Investigate a city alderman?
Casey: Who is skimming money off a charity.

Mouch: Fifty bucks a head for a good cause.
Cruz: Oh, what's the cause?
Mouch: It's to be determined at this time.