Jefferson: That’s exactly why I told Odell that I would lead the defense of Freeland if the Markovians attacked. Someone has to keep an eye on that man.
Anissa: Well, Dad, I don’t understand why it has to be you?
Jefferson: Well, actually, I was hoping it would be all of us.

Take this peace offering. Use it to burn down the ASA for what they did to my city. Or not. Either way, my quarrel with the tailor is over.

Lady Eve

Jennifer: See you around, Khalil.
Khalil: No, you won’t.

Gambi: Tyson Sychs is the first metahuman in recorded history. Meta Prime.
Lynn: The US government had the serum to unlock Meta powers this entire time. Where is their Meta army?
Gambi: The only part of the program that survived was Gravedigger himself. And for the past 70+ years, the US has spent billions trying to recreate the original serum. First in Markovia, and then here in Freeland.

Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Gambi: Tyson Sychs is the first metahuman in recorded history. Meta Prime.
Lynn: The US government had the serum to unlock Meta powers this entire time. Where is their Meta army?
Gambi: The only part of the program that survived was Gravedigger himself. And for the past 70+ years, the US has spent billions trying to recreate the original serum. First in Markovia, and then here in Freeland.

Jennifer: See you around, Khalil.
Khalil: No, you won’t.