We're gonna Apollo 13 this thing.


Alex: Why shoot a pistol ...
Jerry: When you can whip it?

Jerry, I've seen this movie before.


Alex: I didn't take you for the superstitious type.
Ernesto: I'm not. It's bad luck to be superstitious.

Why are you here so late? And why are you here at all?

Ernesto [to Kai, then Alex]

Jerry: It's easy to forget an old ham like me.
Alex: Don't say that. You're a TV legend.

Please find [Jessa]. She's my world.

Julio [to Kai]

No, we care about everyone on this island. Everyone. Let me look into it.

Kai [to Julio]

Alex: Have you ever heard of knocking?
Cory: This is store. You should put small bell over door.

Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

No, we care about everyone on this island. Everyone. Let me look into it.

Kai [to Julio]

Alex: Have you ever heard of knocking?
Cory: This is store. You should put small bell over door.