Now, before I get into some of your various offensive packages, I'm reminded of when my older brother Salazar took me to see a Raider game. We were so far away but to me it was like being on the field and then he sold cripe to a Charger's fan in the men's room and we used the money to go to Applebee's!


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You're the Worst Season 2 Episode 2: "Crevasses"
You're the Worst
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You're the Worst Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes, You're the Worst Quotes
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You're the Worst Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Gretchen: We're adults! We can do this ourselves. Well, I know it involves vodka and tomato juice.
Jimmy: Well, we have a tomato.
Gretchen: I'm sure that's fine. Celery?
Jimmy: We have carrots.
Gretchen: Same thing, basically.
Jimmy: Mayonnaise?
Gretchen: Yeah...

Lindsay: I am learning so much from this game.
Gretchen: What, that the National Air and Space Museum isn't named after some guy named Aaron Space?