I realized that I'm in love with you, Gunnar.

I say this with love, but court-mandated community service does not exactly drive your point home.

Just for the record, I'm not better than anybody else, but I sure as hell want where I'm going to be better than where I came from.

Gunnar: You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett. Everything that just happened on that stage, the energy, the connection, you and me. It's all still there. I felt it, and I know you felt it too.
Scarlett: Well, as somebody once said to me, all I felt was music.

Gunnar: Wanna help me set up our band's Twitter profile?
Scarlett: We already have a Twitter profile?
Gunnar: Of course. We got to generate publicity. We just need a photo, that's all.
Scarlett: Why?
Gunnar: Well, if you don't upload a photo, then you're just an egg, and no one takes you seriously when you're just an egg.

Scarlett: Say hi to Maddie for me.
Deacon: Why's she 'Facetiming' me now?
Scarlett: 'Cause you're her dad, and she wants time with your face.

Terry: I aint afraid. You're the one who's afraid. Pretending you don't want what you've been pushing on me.
Scarlett: I'm not pushing anything on you, I'm trying to help you. I don't want that!
Terry: I sang with you. I felt it, and you did too. So either that makes you a liar or a coward.

The best way for people like us to deal with all them feelings is to write them down.

Deacon: What?
Scarlett: I didn't say nothing.
Deacon: Well you didn't say it pretty damn loud.

I just wanna get back to normal, whatever that is.

I can't help it. Every second I spend with her feels like a lie and I don't like pretending that it's not.

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Juliette Barnes has asked me to come out here and make a whole lot of noise for you. But I'm the kind of artist who prefers to whisper. So this one's for you Juliette.

Nashville Quotes

Why can't they just give out the damn award already? Why do they have to throw so many parties?


What you're bailing on the party? Great that's one less person's feelings I have to tiptoe around all night.

Juliette [to Avery]