I've spent the last seven years watching other peoples babies. I'm a pro. I am.

If we don't help her out, who else will?

I don't think anybody knows, mom, and not everybody cares

Margie: I am a terrible wife. I should've never married your father. And your mother.
Sarah: And Nicki.
Margie: Especially Nicki

It hurts to see you lie, dad. I hate that about this life. Watching you and mom hide, all of us having to hide

Bill [to Ben]: Hey, remember tomorrow: no deodorant, no soap, no mouthwash.
Sarah: Like you really have to tell him that

Sarah: What's it like being married?
Rhonda: It's a pre-marriage placement. That's what it's called now, to get around the law until I'm 16.
[Sarah looks horrified..]
Rhonda: I wasn't forced! The other sister-wives hate me because old Roman likes me best.
Sarah: Do you love him?
Rhonda: He's sweet to me. The greatest freedom we have is obedience

Heather: I should tell you, I don't believe in polygamy.
Sarah: Yeah well. Guess what... Neither do I

Heather: You know, when I'm 21, I really wanna go on a mission and I wish I could go to an Islamic country because I think post-9/11 that part of the world needs our help the most. Don't you think?
Sarah: I think the whole world needs help

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.