Alex: You'll be okay.
Meredith: Me? This is about you. You think this is noble, what you're doing? It isn't. It's giving up. And it's buying into everything you've ever said about yourself, and I won't let you do it.
Alex: You'll be fine.
Meredith: You are not going to jail.
Alex: You'll be just be fine.
Meredith: Stop making this about me. Stop using me as an excuse to make yourself feel better. Of course I will be be fine. I'm always fine. Don't you know that? This is about you. You will be destroyed. Your life, your career, everything... will be finished. Who you are will be gone.

Your body hurts. Your brain becomes foggy. And you feel like you're trapped in a tunnel, when all you want is your bed. So, how do you keep going? How do you not just sit down and give up? Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes you play games in your head. You make up someone. Someone good. Whatever you need to keep you going.

Richard: We need to discuss the options.
Meredith: No we don't.
Richard: Why not?
Meredith: Because you also have the Chief of General Surgery in here, Dr. Webber, and I outrank you.

Owen: What is he doing?
Meredith: He likes to teach. When he's pissed, he really likes to teach.

Alex: They're gonna overhaul the program because I beat up DeLuca.
Meredith: Everything isn't about you. That doesn't even make sense.
Alex: A teacher beat up a student.
Meredith: Oh, that makes sense.

Meredith: I can't do my job if I'm thinking about what you're thinking about me.
Nathan: So you're thinking about me?
Meredith: I don't want to be.

Nathan: Whoa, whoa, if you think I would play around with a patient's well-being in order to get into your pants...
Meredith: That's not what I'm saying. I'm asking a question.
Nathan: It's a damned offensive question.
Meredith: Did we make the right decision for the right reason?
Nathan: I agreed with you because you were right, not because you are you.

Owen: She's asks me a question, and I answer it, and my answer just causes more questions, and suddenly I've forgotten what we were talking about, and I'm late for work, and I love her, and it's exhausting.
Meredith: You feel better?
Owen: Yeah, a little bit.

Meredith: I don't hang out.
Nathan: You could.

Nathan: Oh, so she doesn't know that you're madly in love with me.
Meredith: I am not madly in love with you.
Nathan: You're close. You will be.
Meredith: I am close to hating you.

Maggie: I am acting like a grown ass woman, and I am asking him out...
Meredith: Was that a question mark?

Ben: Is it just blind loyalty?
Meredith: It's not blind. He's earned it. When I first got here, he was one of the worst people I had ever met in my life, and now he's one of the best, and I know both of those people are still in there. I just want to make sure the right one wins.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
