Awesome (to Ellie's stomach): This is one of daddy's favorite jams for tri-blasting.
Ellie: Devon, do you know you haven't addressed me in over an hour?

And you can blame CIA for my bachelor party. Stripper? She was an agent. Told you I didn't cheat. Faithful.

Sarah [referring to Devon packing weight for Africa]: Devon, what are these?
Awesome: Babe, this didn't happen by accident.

Awesome: Morgan, why don't you let me handle it. No offense, I've had my fair share of ladies.
Morgan: It's cause you live in a bubble. Take a look at your self. Go ahead. It's a freakish bubble of handsomeness. Now look at me, no bubble. I have to be completely verbal.

What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! I just reclaimed my awesomeness.

(Chuck's cellphone rings)
Ellie: Chuck. That's Sarah. Don't you want to answer it?
Chuck: Oh, you know, I'm gonna see her later anyway, so.
Awesome: Yeah. Sometimes you got to play hard to get. Cold and detached is a very powerful aphrodisiac, babe.
Ellie: So is abstinence. You want to try it?
Awesome: Not getting involved.

Chuck: Hey, morning. Aren't we missing a house guest?
Awesome: (to Ellie) Honey, Honey. It'll be okay. (To Chuck) Your boy dropped trou last night.
Chuck: Excuse me?
Awesome: The bearded buffoon sleeps au naturel. Which I respect. Just not on my couch.
Chuck: Appetite gone. I am so, so, sorry.

Awesome: Permission to speak freely?
Morgan: There are no secrets between us.
Awesome: Would you agree that you have no credit, no life plan, no apartment, no car, no adult responsibilities at all?
Morgan: On rare occasions I do my own laundry.

Awesome: (to Morgan) You have exactly one day to get my money back to me or I pluck you from head to toe.
Anna: Start with the groin. He won't be using that region for a while.

Captain Awesome: Okay, so how did everyone come with their chest compression?
(Captain Awesome walks into the room and sees Buy More employees beating up their aquatic dolls.)
Captain Awesome: Come on guys, what's wrong with you?
Jeff: I drink too much.
Lester: My parents had impossible standards.

Awesome: Geeze, this guy's heavy.
Chuck: Well bad guys don't count carbs, buddy.

Awesome: You're incredible, is that your spy training?
Chuck: Duck Hunt, Nintendo.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes