Bender and Flexo fighting

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Futurama Season 2 Episode 11: "The Lesser of Two Evils"
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Futurama Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Leela: It figures. Who else but Zapp Brannigan would be judging the most chauvinistic, degrading, dehumanising-
Zapp: Huh? Leela?
Leela: Wait, you're making a- Ooh! Look at that. I feel like a princess!
Zapp: Wait. What are you people? Idiots? I'm still going mano a mano with this envelope. And the winner is: Miss Vega 4. There it is, Miss Universe. There it is, looking weird.
Leela: I almost had that tiara.
Bender: Me too.

Fry: Well, you guys might both be losers but I just made out with that radiator woman from the radiator planet.
Leela: Fry, that's a radiator.
Fry: Oh. Is there a burn ward within 10 feet of here?