Aria and Ezra Learn He has a Son

For all the torture Ezria went through because of Ezra's son, it's a damn shame the kid is not his after all. Ouch.

Aria Tells Her Parents About Ezra

Seriously, on what show would your mother's coworker and your TEACHER be a good match for a mid-teen? Pretty Little Liars.

Ali is Redcoat

Or, Ali is one of the redcoats. She saved the girls from a fire and revealed her face fleetingly, pointing their love/hate relationship more toward love, than hate.

Pretty Little Liars Season Five Poster

What an awesome Pretty Little Liars poster. We cannot wait for Season 5!

Afraid on Stage

Do the Liars look scared on stage? It seems like someone might have followed them and broken the mood in this photo from "EscApe From New York."

Ezra Looks at Alison

This must be a shot of Ezra looking up at Alison as she recalls them visiting in the past in "EscApe From New York."

Ezra and Ali in the Audience

Looking visibly younger makes this photo seem like a memory of Alison's that she's sharing with her friends.

Ali on Stage

Ali looks happy in this memory of being on stage in "EscApe From New York."

Ali and Ezra Look Chummy

This is a photo of Ali and Ezra from "EscApe From New York."

A Stage Memory

Ali and Ezra sitting on stage stairs. Perhaps a memory of Ali's?

Is Ali Telling Tales?

It seems like Ali might be telling tales of a time she and Ezra visited the city in this shot from "EscApe From New York."

Enjoying the Stage

The girls are taking advantage of the stage they visit in "EscApe From New York."

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
