Ezra and Ella

We feel uncomfortable just looking at this Pretty Little Liars photo. It's of Ezra and Ella, of course.

Pretty Little Liars at Lunch

The cafeteria is a prime spot to gossip and dish on A. That's what the four Pretty Little Liars are doing here.

PLL Lunch Break

It's lunch time on Pretty Little Liars and we all know what that means: time to gossip up a storm!

Ezra on Season 3

What is Ezra up to one season three of Pretty Little Liars? This is a look at "Kingdom of the Blind."

Emily and Ella

Emily may be wearing a smile, but Ella looks as serious as it gets in this still from the PLL episode "Kingdom of the Blind."

Ella Photo

Ella is featured in this Pretty Little Liars scene. It's courtesy of Episode 3, Season 3.

Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Spencer: Hanna, you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade.
Hanna: Thank you!

You're open to date but you're not open for business.
