Mr. Robot Listens

Mr. Robot helps Elliot move on with his with his life on the series finale.

Part 2 - Mr. Robot

This is the end of Mr. Robot. "Series Finale Part 2" is the 13th episode of the show's fourth season.

Part I - Mr. Robot

This is the end of Mr. Robot. "Series Finale Part 1" is the 12th episode of the show's fourth and final season.

Arguing - Mr. Robot Season 4 Episode 11

Mr. Robot and Elliot bicker over the next move, but is it too late?

Sulking it Out - Mr. Robot Season 4 Episode 11

Mr. Robot awaits orders from Elliot, but what does it mean?

Enough is Enough - Mr. Robot

Elliot decides that enough is enough on Mr. Robot. "eXit" is the 11th episode of the show's fourth season.

we stan domlene - Mr. Robot

We stan domlene is the description for Mr. Robot. "Gone" is the tenth episode of the show's fourth and final season.

Whiterose Learns More - Mr. Robot Season 4 Episode 9

Whiterose picks up a call with Elliot, but what do they have to say to each other?

Working Together Again - Mr. Robot Season 4 Episode 9

Darlene is working with Elliot on the latest hack, but is she going too far?

Mr. Robot Looks On Season 4 Episode 9

Mr. Robot is worried about Elliot's wellbeing as the hack continues.

F Society - Mr. Robot

It's f society versus deus group on Mr. Robot. "Conflict" is the ninth episode of the show's fourth season.

Getting Shook - Mr. Robot

Elliot gets shook o Mr. Robot. "Request Timeout" is the eighth episode of the show's fourth season.

Mr. Robot Season 4 Quotes

Whiterose: She made her choice.
Price: Choice? No, that's not allowed when it comes to you. No, you did this to her. You recruited her, and you killed her.
Whiterose: And you let it happen, didn't you? It wasn't without a valiant attempt on your part though. Trying to talk some sense into her. It isn't your fault that she wouldn't listen.

Price: You have to understand. I have been trying to stop her from hurting you. That's why I brought you here. But you talk like this and I cannot protect you. You have to relent. There's a chance, if you beg, it's the only way out of this, please. Please.
Angela: Shh. You're panicking right now. Remove all emotion and you will do just fine. Isn't that what you're good at? I'm not going to run. So, you should probably leave.