Janice seemed excited to marry Richie... until she killed him in "The Knight in White Satin Armor."

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The Sopranos
The Sopranos Season 2 Episode 12: "The Knight in White Satin Armor"
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The Sopranos Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Carmela: In a year, tops, you're gonna have to accept a gumar.
Janice: Oh, yeah? Well I'd like to see a gumar who's gonna let him hold a gun to their head when they fuck.
Carmela: You let him hold a gun to your head during sex?
Janice: Yeah. Well, if that gets him off, I mean, it's not any different than garter belts and nurse's uniforms.
Carmela: Well, it's a gun, Janice. I thought you were a feminist.
Janice: Usually he takes the clip out.

Tony: See obviously, Richie, you're fucking deaf, I told you ten times, then I find out you're still dealing blow on those garbage routes.
Richie: For that I'm losing a fucking bid?
Tony: Next time you'll find yourself in the back of one of your trucks.