The Brave Season 1 Episode 6 Review: The Seville Defection

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The Brave proved it can be as great in low-key mode as it is in high-action mode. 

The team had a quieter mission on The Brave Season 1 Episode 6, which gave us an opportunity to catch our breath after the highly emotional ending of The Brave Season 1 Episode 5

The slower pace also allowed the characters to breathe and show us they are more than just action heroes.

More Intel - The Brave

Although you have to wonder if Dalton will ever let his guard down. He is always on.  And he's got a wall that's as high as the stars he was talking to Jaz about. 

Jaz is the one most likely to break down his wall. If Dalton had looked into her eyes like she insisted, a piece of that wall would have come down, but he's not willing to give up any part of himself.

Not that I want to see a romance between those two, even if there is chemistry there. I'm not sure how that would fly. I can't imagine Patricia would be too happy about it, and how would the rest of the team react?

Would it upset the dynamics of the team?

Dalton was upset with McG for his dalliance with Paloma, who happened to be the daughter of a Russian spy. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Paloma or another woman, Dalton wouldn't have been happy. 

The rest of the team wasn't upset about it, so maybe Dalton needs to find himself a woman to let off some steam and mellow out a bit.

McG was feeling guilty for hooking up with Paloma because it put the team in a situation, but all Paloma wanted was to help her father. Ivan had no idea Paloma had sought outside help and was reluctant at first even to admit he was a spy.

But he wanted to be free and ended up cooperating by offering up the name of another spy inside the NSA.

The home team is as willing as the field team to do whatever is needed to get the job done. Noah had no hesitations when Patricia told him he was going to be a covert operative.

Dalton and McG - The Brave Season 1 Episode 6

He jumped right into the role and played it perfectly, though my only quibble was that when he crashed the car into the back of the dump truck, neither he nor Megan were seriously injured.

You'd think after a crash like that, they would have been a little more than stunned.

Still, Noah showed great courage. Even when Megan stabbed him in the leg, he didn't let that deter him. 

He and Hannah have a great relationship, and they have even better chemistry than Jaz and Dalton do. If there were to be a romance, I wouldn't mind seeing something develop between those two.

He's already her superhero, so why not take it another step?

There's a difference in a romance between two members of the home team and two members of the field team. Hannah and Noah might put themselves at risk from time to time, but the field team is facing danger every time they are on a mission.

The Team - The Brave Season 1 Episode 6

But they are a cohesive unit who are attuned to each other and even when Jaz seemed distracted at the park with Preach and McG's banter, she still had her head where it belonged. 

Doesn't it seem like she's gained confidence since the beginning of the series? She has no hesitations blowing someone away when she needs to. That little pep talk Dalton gave her in the car on The Brave Season 1 Episode 1 did wonders for her.

The same can be said for Amir. Before he would have kept his mouth shut or offered only minimal input, but he had no problems giving his opinion about whether Ivan was telling the truth or not.

Speaking of Ivan, who didn't appreciate his ability to take down his pursuer in the park? He could have let Dalton and Amir do all the work for him, but instead, he took matters into his own hands.

I'd like to learn how to do that jacket job he did. That was pretty awesome! What do you guys think?

Did you like "The Seville Defection"? Did you like the change of pace? What was your favorite part?

Do you like the idea of a romance between Noah and Hannah? What about between Jaz and Dalton? 

Will Dalton every mellow out?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts.

You can catch up when you watch The Brave online, right here via TV Fanatic!

The Seville Defection Review

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The Brave Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Dalton: Any girl. You could've picked any girl in Spain. Instead, you pick the half-Russian spy daughter.
McG: Technically, she picked me.

Patricia: In the meantime, your team are ghosts.
Dalton: Boo.

  • Permalink: Boo.
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