Parenthood Review: All Clear

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Promos are getting out of hand. As gut-wrenching as it was to watch the story of Kristina's cancer unfold, it was a cheap marketing stunt to use it to try to gain viewers by suggesting a recurrence.

Instead, Kristina was given the all clear Parenthood Season 5 Episode 16 and she was officially a one year cancer survivor.

As happy as I was for the character, I couldn't help that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that NBC took a cheap shot at an otherwise beautifully written story.

Kristina's ire was raised at the news that Max's chair had been taken away in English class and she was prepared go all Kristina on the troll who dared be so cruel to her son, at least until he opened the door and she was met with a handsome face. 

When Mr. Knight opened his mouth and from his gentle lips rolled a wisdom and understanding of special needs students no other teacher had heretofore shown, Kristina was smitten -- on a professional level, of course.

Mr. Knight raised concerns about parents who started charter schools for their own kids and then dropped the ball and Kristina hesitated. She didn't hesitate because of her passion for the project, but because she was as yet uncertain of her fate -- would she live to see the project through?

Once she had the all clear it became crystal what she and Adam wanted -- for Mr. Knight to run their fair school. With their similar beliefs and passions for the students they will surely make a formidable team and welcoming Zachary Knighton to the Parenthood family for an extended stay is exactly what the doctor ordered.

The hour started out well for Sarah. She woke up in bed with Carl and he was so happy with her that he couldn't imagine a week away without her, thus inviting her on a business trip to Africa. In order to do this, she would have to push the deadline of the surf project back a few days and Hank was livid. He climbed up on his high horse and rode over to her place full of advice.

Hank's brilliant advice to Sarah was that she has "patterns" and every time something is going great in her life, she leaves it for a man. He "sees" these things because he's so wise and he just had to let her know what he "saw." Of course, he didn't tell her that he's still in love with her. He keeps throwing around the word platonic like somehow that will make it real, but it doesn't. 

Because she's Sarah and she really does have issues, instead of listening to her own heart and for once allowing herself to have something beautiful and good with a man who could support her emotionally and monetarily while she went after he dreams (should she so desire to be with him), she ended her relationship with Carl based upon things Hank planted in her head and the "Year of Sarah" sticker she had in her bathroom.


Can someone please point out how dating and going on a trip interrupts being yourself but allowing an ex to drive your decision making doesn't? By sheer determination and some sort of witchery I will infuse myself into the screen onto the scene if Sarah and Hank start another romantic liaison. Mark my words!

Sarah's kids were doing a little suffering of their own as Amber decided they would attend a frat (I think) party and make out with someone random. That was fine for Amber but all of a sudden I-wanna-be-free Natalie doesn't want to be so free, or at least that's the latest vibe she's giving off, and she got all upset when Drew's weird roommate let her know Drew was looking to hookup.

I've tried to be patient with Drew's college story, but it's really not that interesting. Natalie is a total dud and Amy's return was odd. Drew seems to attract girls with major issues and I can't help but wonder if it doesn't have a little something to do with his mother. He's too willing to accept pretty much anything a girl puts out there and he has no boundaries. Get some stones, Drew! Geez. It's awful seeing him treated like dirt over and over again, but he doesn't ask for much else.

Crosby did a whoopsie by telling his mother she was selfish for wanting to sell the house. I loved how she counter attacked him with a valid argument, but wasn't too keen on her assumption that Zeek sent Crosby after in the first place. Zeek's been speaking with her honestly about things, even if it's taken him a while to do it, so she should have had more faith in him.

Where did they end their argument? Crosby and Jasmine stopped listening before it was over (How funny was it when Crosby determined how bad it was by Camille calling Crosby the most selfish child "Clearly that's Sarah!"?) and the next time it was mentioned Camille said the could stay at the house as long as they needed... not "until the house sells." Hmmm....

Here's the part where everyone is going to tell me I'm crazy, but I've always liked the character of Ed and I was happy to see he and Julia on friendly terms again. He told her the thing she needed most to hear, which was that the kiss might have been the last straw, but it was definitely not the reason her marriage to Joel ended. That ship had left the port long before Ed leaned in for that kiss.

Joel used to be a lot like Ed. He was funny and kind, but he hasn't been that guy in a very long time. He's condescending and entitled now. He still takes every opportunity to jab at Julia and remind her how lacking she is, such as when he said he'd been telling Sydney no in front of her entire classroom for eight years so he'd just give her the bad news again and Julia probably shouldn't be there for it.

It appears that being friends with Ed will give her the courage and drive to confront him and ask why he hasn't fought for their marriage, but now I don't even want to see them try. They made Joel such a miserable man. Julia and Sarah have wonderful brothers but horrible men in their lives -- how did that happen?

Don't forget, any time you want to relive your favorite Braverman moments you can watch Parenthood online to get your fix.

Were you disappointed Sarah broke things off with Carl?

The Enchanting Mr. Knight Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Parenthood Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

OK. Look, I'm sorry for comin' by and I'm sorry for whatever part I played in this, but if you honestly think that I'm the sole reason that you and Joel are having problems then you're fooling yourself. And if you really want your marriage back, you're going to have to dig a little deeper.


Julia: Thank God green week is over.
Ed: The environment is such a pain in the ass.
Julia: It really is.