Switched at Birth Review: A Path Divided

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Bay and Daphne were once again at the center of conflict in "Tight Rope Walker."

Bay's concern about Regina manifested in her belief that her birth mom had returned to drinking and Daphne was torn between her loyalty to Carlton and her commitment to her mother and the school play, as Melody discovered new plans ahead for Carlton.

Keep Carlton Deaf

I realize I'm coming at this from a hearing perspective, but that's all I have. I can hear and I totally disagree with Melody. The cold hard facts of life are that we all have to coexist. While she's busy bitching about the hearing program, the one thing she's missing is the opportunity for the deaf to make the rules the hearing students must follow.

Sure, the hearing kids will be there, just like they will be there, for the rest of everyone's lives. Unless the deaf and hearing start isolating themselves on islands like lepers, living together is the option.

Bringing hearing students into a school primarily for deaf students is a unique opportunity to integrate the hearing students into the lives of the deaf instead of the other way around, which seems to be Melody's issue with the world in general. She's a very angry person, and hasn't come to terms with her ... I believe she calls it a gift.

For someone who is so happy with who she is, Melody does not seem to be empowering her students to live in a hearing world. I can understand wanting to protect deaf students and give them a refuge until they have to deal with the hearing world, but don't use it as some sort of utopian excuse. The mixed messages are mind-rattling.

I didn't understand why the fight was about the deaf becoming second class citizens in their own home. It was an artificial argument contrived because of the belief that bringing on more hearing students and their money would change the focus of the school. Instead, they should have been embracing the change, the opportunity to initiate more hearing children to the lives of the deaf and fighting to maintain control over the curriculum to make the most out of the experience for everyone.

It was all about choice. Melody chose to look at the change negatively instead of seeing the positive, even given what she knew about a family that learned to adapt to with the inclusion of a deaf child late in the game and how much it brought to their lives. I have to wonder if their inability to accept a more diverse student body (ironic, I know) is part of what drove the school board's decision to shut down Carlton.

Regina also made a choice - to drink. She can frequent any establishment she wants, but she has proven again and again she cannot drink without dragging herself and her family down a very dark path. Bay saw first hand what an alcoholic can become when Regina lashed into her. It was so ugly, but Bay never gave up on her. Whether or not Regina's word is golden is a tough call. Keeping it a secret between themselves gives Regina a lot of wiggle room to fall down. I've heard the plea she made to Bay from an alcoholic, and it didn't last.

Deleting her message to her sponsor proved Regina wasn't ready to call it quits just yet.

Other bits 'n bobs:

  • Just when I thought Emmett was going to be antagonistic toward Travis, he asked Melody if they could invite him into their home.
  • Not enough Natalie!
  • Toby is starting to annoy me. Enough about his love life already. The kid needs to be thinking about his future!
  • I kind of missed John this week. His John-isms were starting to be a lot of fun in the last few weeks. Did I just say that??
  • Zane turned out to be a really nice guy. I wonder where he will stand with things if Regina continues to drink.
  • It's too bad Bay couldn't turn to Angelo for help with Regina. They were just making headway and then ... blammo. Not a peep since "Dressing for the Charade."

Tight Rope Walker Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Switched at Birth Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Bay: Ohhh. How Downton Abbey of you.
Noah: Huh?
Bay: Never mind.

Parenting almost makes the campaign look easy, huh?
