Drop Dead Diva Review: Love and Basketball

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On this week's Drop Dead Diva, new guardian angel Luke hires a jury consultant to help out Jane and Kim. In "Winning Ugly" Jane and Kim take on a powerful case about a contestant of a makeover show who committed suicide after being told she was "too ugly to help."

Unwilling to accept a pitiful settlement, Kim and Jane take their chances and head to trial against the twice-voted top litigator in California.

Parker Needs Help

It seems like the jury consultant was there to tell Jane to tone down her dramatic courtroom bravado, but isn't that part of what we love about Jane? She isn't some boring drone. She is smart, sassy and knows how to put on a good show. The truth is, Jane isn't even trying to put on a show; it's just naturally the combination of Deb and Jane. So why would Jane's guardian angel hire someone like this? 

Was it perhaps to show her how she has grown past just being Deb and is finally finding her footing as a Deb/Jane hybrid? She doesn't need to be told to tone down anything. The reason she has grown so much is because she has learned to coexist as these two souls in one body. As Luke said, it's the kind of case that Deb would have found silly, but Jane maintained that she was Deb and she didn't think the case was silly at all. Maybe it was to demonstrate a progression?

One thing is for sure: Luke is a very different kind of guardian angel than Fred. 

The other main case was pretty absurd: Two women fighting over a rat they believe to be reincarnated version of a man who was romancing them both? Lame! Even Parker knew this case was below him, which is why I was surprised it took him so long to put an end to the chaos. At least this case included a guest spot by my favorite character from my girl Nora from The Secret Life of the American Teenager!

Parker is always up on the lawyers about taking cases that will make them money. He was annoyed that Jane didn't want to settle with the "ugly duckling" lawsuit. Yet... he took on a ridiculous case about a reincarnated rat? Go figure. I think it just took Jay a moment or two to figure out what he believed in, both in and out of the office.

The return of Elisa (guest star Brandy Norwood) with her and Parker's son Eric, showed us the softer side of Parker. With Elisa and Parker playing nice, I have to wonder what this will mean for him and Kim? Last week's episode ended with Parker and Kim ready to explore the possibility of reuniting. Speaking of other tricky love situations Owen and Grayson competed on the basketball court, but in the end we knew that it was really about more than the sport. 

You won the game, but I think we both know who's winning here. | permalink

With next week's previews showing a potential engagement, things with this love triangle are going to get intense! What do you all think? I need a piece of pake!

Winning Ugly Review

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Drop Dead Diva Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

I don't whip my hair!


I wonder if Betty Crocker had it this rough.
