Nikita Review: "2.0"

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At the beginning of this episode, Nikita visits a gun shop, and I immediately suspect this to be an old friend who was going to help her, and maybe had an “in” at Division.

The title character is ruthless, though, as she seems to be using him to get to a criminal who’s working with Division and goes on her way with her sniper gun.

Alex plays the clueless trainee perfectly, making her teacher think she has no idea about hacking. Meanwhile, we all know she's actually talking to Nikita. I sincerely hope she doesn’t get caught, and she’s doing every intelligent thing not to.

Confronting Alex

Division is hired by some small nation war criminal called Mirko to kill the man responsible for his position in order to keep his explosive material safe. I’m not sure if the characters mean to come off this way, but both Percy and Michael seem extremely bored with the mission.

Finally, we learn about Alex’s past: She had a druggie boyfriend and friends. I’m wondering if the drug house Nikita saw Alex go into used to be her supplier, and that’s how she managed to save her before the druggies raped her. Being a past “bad-crowder” herself, I can understand why Nikita detoxes Alex.

It was heartwarming to see Nikita relate to Alex’s detox pain in this flashback. We learn that Nikita has been searching for Alex for over two years, and knows who killed her parents. It has to be Division, hence why Alex has a vengeance against them now. Alex is basically a younger Nikita.

Alex is activated, and on her first mission, you can see that Michael is extremely worried about her and looks at her with the same soft eyes as he does Nikita. Alex is a little too confident, thinking she can handle op without Nikita’s help, but is quickly brought back to reality when the client tries to man-handle her, causing Michael to save her. Nikita sees this, spares Michael’s life, which every viewer should be grateful for, and injures one of the masked men.

Amanda, Stanford and Michael

I have to admit I was shocked when masked men came in, killed everyone but Michael and Alex, and took the war criminal out of the room. At this point in the series, I already like West’s Michael. He does his job, but does not do it with a cold heart. He keeps the trainee’s in mind and could have let Alex get hurt, but instead risked his life to save hers. I believe this to be a key factor in his character's personality. I don’t think he can stand by and let young innocent people die.

Percy seems to be under the delusion that he is running his own show, and is trying to point Michael against Nikita. I see a big potential problem here, as I hope Michael doesn’t start to believe everything Percy says and keeps his own mind, while continuing to secretly work with Nikita.

I’m a bit annoyed with Jaden’s character, as she only seems to have the temper to fight with people that rise above her, or attain what is attainable to her. Now she’s gotten both herself and Alex in the position of two-week improvement or they’re dead.

Yet again, during this episode Michael had the chance to shoot and kill Nikita, and didn’t take the shot. I am hoping that at some point, Michael joins Nikita in the fight to bring down Division. I’m not sure how far Alex can go by herself because she is very limited to what she can do.

2.0 Review

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Nikita Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


Druggie: Who are you?
Nikita: Her fairy god mother.

Nikita Season 1 Episode 2 Music

  Song Artist
Diurea Street Light Suzie iTunes
I'm In Here Sia iTunes