Grey's Anatomy Review: "Push"

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An episode in which Richard is looking to snag surgeries, Mark wants a committed relationship, Bailey's asking Callie for dating advice and Meredith Grey is the mature one?

Definitely not your older sister's Grey's Anatomy!

While the dynamic between Derek and Richard and Owen grew intense and even more complex, both Bailey and Mark ventured out of their comfort zone romantically.

It was fun to watch these developments, even if they were a bit over the top. Click here for our recap, quotes and music guides, then read on for our review of "Push" ...

MARK SLOAN, FAMILY MAN: Mark has come to terms with the fact that he's sad and lonely and wants to date, but that doesn't mean he knows how to accomplish it.

Seriously. The guy is a bumbling idiot all of a sudden? Wasn't he just in a committed relationship? When he asks Teddy out, it's like he never talked to a woman before.

Sadness in Seattle

Poor Little Grey thought Mark wasn't really moving on.

Thanks to some encouragement from her new friend Arizona, Teddy then decides to say yes ... with the expectation that Mark Sloan being Mark Sloan, this would just be a fun fling.

Now that we find believable.

Owen makes the same assumption, and warns Mark that Teddy deserves better than. Great scene when Mark indignantly tells him he's actually the piece of meat in this equation.

Later, after Teddy waffles again, he tells her they should have lunch and get to know each other, because he, Mark Sloan, wants to build a future and doesn't want to waste his time.

Just like that, it's on! Next week, Mark and Teddy reportedly hook up, which will just make Lexie even more depressed, as she was convinced he was just trying to make her jealous.

Looks like he's really moving on. Without her.

An interesting side plot to the Mark-Teddy setup is the role played Callie and Arizona, now all of a sudden the couple others aspire to be like. But is there trouble on the horizon there?

At the end, Callie shares a fantasy of them living in a big house with a bunch of kids years down the road, but Arizona says that she's not interested in having her own children. Hmm.

Also a great little wrinkle? Meredith telling Owen to back off and let Teddy be happy. We love how Mer is now such an adjusted adult with perspective and a great part of an ensemble.

Cristina was actually happy (and even funnier than usual) this week too - imagine that!

THE POACHER: We never thought we'd see Richard Webber in this situation, but such is life in Season Six. The ex-Chief totally wants in on Owen's patient and his football-sized tumor.

Derek will decide who gets it after hearing their plans. Cristina works with Richard so she can spy for Hunt, but he catches on and bribes her into becoming a double agent. Hilarious.

Ultimately, Derek picks Owen's, which is more exploratory, and Richard tells him off, saying a chief should encourage surgeons to approach problems their way, not the chief's way.

When the surgery starts to go haywire, Hunt brings Webber in, and they team up to remove the tumor. Awesome moment. The patient lives. As does Richard's resentment of Derek.

First Kiss Alert!

Ben is really bringing Bailey out of her shell.

CONDOMS: Bailey's been out of the dating game so long, she doesn't even know where to find them. But when Callie tells her the third date is usually the sex date, she freaks out.

As Ben makes her dinner, he senses she's uneasy and calls her out, telling her to have a conversation rather than give a speech. It took six seasons for someone to stand up to her.

She respects it, too. The Bailey speech about what she is and isn't comfortable with was brilliant, because it was so heartfelt, but also for the way Ben stepped in and took control.

While we love the fact that we get to see one of our favorite characters' social life at long last, and go through insecurities everyone else deals with, do you think they take it too far?

The line between tough and vulnerable is tough to walk, and Chandra Wilson does it as well as anyone. But she's still an adult, and at times, the vulnerable aspect was a tad overdone.

The waxing and condom discussions seemed a bit forced, but other than that, we're happy with this story line and thought the episode was solid overall. How about you? Comment away!

What did you think of last night's Grey's Anatomy?

Push Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 17 Quotes

Callie: Find a grownup that you like and date, like a grownup.
Mark: I don't know what that means.

Surgeons aren't complacent people. We don't put our feet up. We don't sit still. Whatever the game is, we like to win.


Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 17 Music

  Song Artist
Song Worrisome Heart Melody Gardot
Serve Them Well Swimming in Speakers iTunes
L-O-V-E SugaRush Beat Company iTunes